2024 is the Year to Close the Gap on Family-Building and Reproductive Health Benefits to Support Employee Engagement

2024 will be a critical year as employers wrestle with a growing disconnect between employee expectations and engagement.

According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report, only 31% of employees are engaged at work.  A recent report by MercerMarsh, also verified that many employees were unhappy with their benefits. Many reported gaps between the benefits they had and what they found helpful, especially related to family-building and reproductive health benefits. 

A recent Stork Club poll also confirmed that these areas were top of mind for Human Resource representatives. Fostering employee engagement and satisfaction and supporting employee well-being were listed as top priorities. To help you foster engagement and well-being in 2024, here is a look at current employee expectations.  

Gen Z values reproductive freedom. 

Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, has different priorities than older generations. They expect employers to engage with bigger issues, including women’s health, health equity, and mental health. Gen Z workers who saw Roe v. Wade overturned value reproductive freedom and inclusive access to contraception as well as fertility-related support and coverage. 

Reproductive care must also honor each person’s journey. Options such as egg freezing, adoption, and surrogacy are seen as equitable options that meet the needs of all.  

Yet there is a significant divide between what employees want and what employers are offering. The MercerMarsh Health on Demand 2023 Report showed that 41% of employees found fertility support helpful, but only 16% said that what their employer offered was helpful to them or their family. 

Reproductive health support that understands other needs

Employees are also looking for support that understands they have other reproductive health needs. This could include support for menopause, gender-affirming care, or low-testosterone therapy. 

In the MercerMarsh report, 41% of employees said they found menopause support helpful, yet only 17% said the coverage they received from their employer was helpful to them. 

Bridging the Gap: Stork Club's pursuit of closing the gap in employee engagement and satisfaction

Even if employers think their benefits are meeting their employees’ needs, it’s likely the outcomes are not aligned. Only 59% of employees globally say that benefits meet their needs. 

To find the gaps, allow open communication and lean on Employee Resource Groups. ERGs can help provide insight into the workforce's life stages and needs. With support and open communication, you can provide benefits that meet employee expectations and close the gap between satisfaction and engagement. 

Stork Club stands ready to support your organization's journey in fostering a workplace that truly understands and meets the diverse needs of its workforce. Recognizing the evolving landscape of family-building and reproductive health benefits, our commitment at Stork Club extends beyond conventional offerings.

We understand the nuanced requirements of different life stages, including the reproductive health needs of men and women. By embracing inclusivity and actively listening to the aspirations of your employees, our comprehensive solutions cover areas such as fertility support, menopause assistance, gender-affirming care, and more. Let 2024 be the year your company bridges the divide between employee expectations and reality, with Stork Club by your side, championing family-building and reproductive support initiatives that elevate both engagement and well-being.

Get in touch with one of our experts to craft a benefits package that is aligned with your company's initiatives.