Family-Building for LGBTQI+ Employees: How Employers Can Make a Difference

In today’s world, reproductive care is a fundamental need that transcends gender identity and sexual orientation. For LGBTQI+ individuals, accessing modern reproductive care like IVF, surrogacy, donor egg/sperm, adoption, and adult gender-affirming care is essential for building families and living authentic lives.

Here’s how employers can step up and provide the support their teams need through comprehensive benefits.

1. Building Families: Many LGBTQI+ individuals and couples rely on assisted reproductive technologies (ART) to start families. IVF, surrogacy, and donor services offer viable paths to parenthood that might otherwise be inaccessible. According to a 2018 study by the Family Equality Council, 63% of LGBTQI+ millennials are considering expanding their families, but 77% of LGBTQI+ people planning families expect to use ART, foster care, or adoption. These options not only fulfill the dream of having children but also ensure that genetic ties are maintained when desired.

How employers can help: Ensure your health plans include coverage for IVF, surrogacy, donor egg/sperm services, and adoption assistance without having to have infertility medical diagnosis (which mostly won't be available for the LGBTQI+ population). This not only supports LGBTQI+ employees but also reflects a commitment to diversity and inclusion. A survey by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP) found that 71% of employers who offer such benefits report higher employee satisfaction.

2. Surrogacy and Adoption: Surrogacy and adoption are critical options for LGBTQI+ individuals looking to build families. Offering benefits that cover surrogacy and adoption processes can alleviate significant financial burdens and logistical challenges. Without these benefits, LGBTQI+ employees might face prohibitive costs, extensive legal complexities, and emotional stress, which can deter them from pursuing their dreams of parenthood. Furthermore, a lack of support in these areas can lead to feelings of exclusion and inequality in the workplace.

How employers can help: By providing comprehensive surrogacy and adoption benefits, employers support the family-building goals of their LGBTQI+ employees. Offering additional financial assistance, as well as proactive care management tailored for LGBTQI+ members, such as offering a list of vetted providers, special rates for services such as donor tissue (egg/sperm) adoption, and guarantee programs, significantly improves the success rates of such family-building cases and improves employee retention.

3. Adult Gender-Affirming Care: For transgender and non-binary individuals, adult gender-affirming care, which includes procedures like hormone therapy and surgeries, is vital for aligning their physical selves with their gender identity. This care is an essential part of their overall well-being and mental health. The 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey found that 39% of respondents experienced serious psychological distress, compared to only 5% of the U.S. population, highlighting the critical need for comprehensive healthcare.

How employers can help: For transgender and non-binary individuals, adult gender-affirming care, which includes procedures like hormone therapy and surgeries, is vital for aligning their physical selves with their gender identity. This care is an essential part of their overall well-being and mental health.

With Stork Club, you can extend your reproductive care benefits by offering adult gender-affirming hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The care package involves clinical pre-qualification and, if qualified, the use of hormones to align an individual’s physical characteristics with their gender identity. For transgender women, this typically includes estrogen and anti-androgens to develop feminine secondary sexual characteristics such as breast growth, softer skin, and reduced body hair. For transgender men, testosterone is used to induce masculinizing changes like facial hair growth, deepening of the voice, and increased muscle mass. The benefits of gender-affirming HRT are profound, leading to improved mental health, increased confidence, and a better overall quality of life by allowing individuals to feel more comfortable and authentic in their bodies.

By providing modern reproductive care benefits and fostering an inclusive workplace culture, employers can play a pivotal role in supporting their LGBTQI+ employees. This enhances the well-being and satisfaction of their teams and underscores a commitment to equality and diversity. Studies show that LGBTQI+ employees who feel supported are more loyal and productive, with the Center for Talent Innovation reporting that 72% of LGBTQI+ employees are more likely to stay with a company that offers inclusive benefits. At Stork Club, we believe that everyone deserves access to the care they need to build the life and family they dream of. Let’s work together to make this a reality.